Meet An Open Access Hero:
American Chemical Society
Mark Your Calendar!
Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 10:00 am EST / 15:00 BST
The challenges of Open Access are real, but heroes like Darla Henderson at the American Chemical Society are triumphing.
Delivering value for authors in their roles as both creators and consumers of research is ACS’s OA super power. Leveraging tools such as ACS Author Rewards along the way, their comprehensive and creative OA strategy to date has included integrating RightsLink® for Open Access in 2014, launching two thriving OA journals in 2015-2016, and debuting ChemRxiv, a preprint server planned for 2017.
Want advice on supporting your authors in their transition to new publishing models from a real-life OA hero?
Join Copyright Clearance in conversation with Darla Henderson, Assistant Director of Open Access Programs at ACS on Tuesday, February 7th at 10:00 AM EST and discover your OA super power. Register now!
Please fill out the form to register:

Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), a leading global rights-licensing technology organization, provides solutions that simplify compliance for content users, promotes the work of creators and supports the principles of copyright. A rights broker for the world’s most sought-after journals, books, blogs, movies and more, CCC makes it easy for businesses and academic institutions to use, share and store copyrighted material while compensating content creators for their works. With its international subsidiary,RightsDirect, CCC serves more than 35,000 customers and 12,000 publishers around the world.
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Darla Henderson
Assistant Director of Open Access Programs, American Chemical Society