Revitalizing Membership
How Member Organizations are Rethinking and Redefining Their Value
Thursday, March 10, 2016
11:00 a.m. EST / 4:00 p.m. GMT
From advocacy to access, members ask their scholarly societies to do more than ever. Executives and editors must reach the researcher community with a strong, forward-thinking message – or face tough questions at renewal time.
In a conversation moderated by Society for Scholarly Publishing President Ann Michael, three guest speakers will share their views on what drives a successful membership program.
What value do scholarly societies, associations, and organizations provide their members today? What role do members play in the success of the organizations to which they belong?
CCC invites you to explore the factors shaping the future effectiveness, vibrancy, and success of membership organizations.
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Ann Michael, Moderator
President, Data Think, Inc.
President, Society for Scholarly Publishing
Beth Bush
Chief Membership Officer
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Alex Taylor
Head of Communities
The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Jill Treby
Assistant Director, Membership and Marketing
American Geophysical Union
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