Is Open Access Coming for Scholarly Books?
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Thursday, September 24, 2015 11:00 ET/15:00 GMT
Most academics today expect to find Open Access research in scholarly journals, yet there are a growing number of OA books published each year.
On Thursday, September 24, at 11:00 ET/15:00 GMT, Copyright Clearance Center invites you to attend a complimentary webinar on the rise of Open Access books with Melissanne Scheld, Managing Director, Publishers Communication Group.
A recent PCG survey found academic spending on Open Access materials tilted 3-to-1 in favor of journals, though the gap is expected to close. Just like OA articles, OA monographs are published through fees paid by the authors. The PCG survey found where the money comes from, and how libraries are managing the shift to OA.
Be sure to join us to learn why and when Open Access could be coming for long-form scholarly publishing.
Please fill out the form to register:

Melissanne Scheld
Managing Director
Publishers Communication Group